RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "writing fun"

Free Writing Competition March

Free Writing Competition March

We asked you to write the next line of dialogue using this photo for inspiration. You had just 50 words. Congratulations go to Pauline Leech with her winning entry..

Four Creative Writing Exercises You Can Start Right Now

Creative Writing can be a daunting task for a beginner. This article breaks down the essential creative writing exercises to help you start writing right now. Follow my advice and I guarantee you will be a better writer in no time at all.

Let Your Verbs Run Wild And Free

This kind of thing happens a lot. Rushing to make our point, we summarize and condense the life out of our stories.

Twist in the Tale Winning Submission

Twenty years of marriage and this was the worst set of arguments that they had ever had. Not even the trials and tribulations of raising twins had caused them to fall out on this scale. Marilyn breathed in the familiar scent of her husband’s cologne, loving his silent form so much that it hurt.

Writing Tip of the Week 6

Struggling to find time to write? Timed Writing exercises can be used effectively to stimulate the creative process and keep your imagination well-oiled

Writing Tip of the Week 4

Points of view can be difficult for a writer but it is about looking through someone else’s eyes and capturing…

Going on Holiday? Write Travel Blogs

It’s human nature for people to share in the experiences of others and that’s why travel blogs are so popular. Not everyone can afford to travel to exotic locations certainly on a regular basis

Writing a fantasy story? Free your inner child

writing a fantasy story enables you to step whole-heartedly into a new world of your making….like playing god….

Writing – It Can Seriously Take Over Your Life

I have heard some people say that writing should not consume too big a part of your life but how can it not when you have trained your brain to recognise creative opportunities as they occur?